And that is where Einstein started out, with the assumption the universe was static. Einstein’s special theory of relativity seems to not have a lot to do with the big bang theory or the beginning of the universe at all but it does and it shall be reviled how at a later point in time. For now I shall simply explain it. Einstein was a young man working in a patent office when he came up with the idea. He decided to a thought experiment where he rode along on a beam of light. To be quite frank I’m not sure how he got from riding on a beam of light to relativity but if you are more interested in the topic there is a wonderful movie out there called “E=MC^2” that would explain more about it. But in order to make the post not go on forever I shall sum up his theory in a number of points:
1. 1 1. The speed of light remains the same. Always. End of story.
2. 22. The rate at which time passes changed in order to make 1. possible.
3. 3.3. The lengths and sized of things also change in order to make 1. possible.
So yes, this is special relativity, at least as much of it as I have learned, summed up. Bizarre isn’t it?
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