Saturday, November 14, 2009

Backtracking 13 CMB

Anyway, back to the CMB. So that picture that I posted of it last time, if you look at it you will notice there are some different colors in it. Different colors correspond to different temperatures. (I’m pretty sure this is how it works) There is an average temperature of 2.725 K (the K is for Kelvin which is just a shifted version of Celsius. 0 degrees Celsius is 273.15 kelvin). The scale on the side of the picture is the fluctuation away from this average temperature. The orange and red is slightly warmer than 2.725 K and dark blue and purple is slightly colder. But these are very tiny temperature changes. You can see that the scale on the side is in micro-kelvin, that is, in increments of .000001 K. But these changes are significant. They show us where matter started forming. The colder places are places where the matter first condensed and formed into the hydrogen atoms we talked about before.

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