I found a cool graph. It’s a timeline set on a logarithmic scale. (If you don’t know what a logarithmic scale is you can look here, it’s actually really hard to describe and took me like 4 years for someone to actually explain it to me a way I could understand it.)
Ok now I will take a coupe of moments to explain what all of the things on this graph on graph. They don’t all relate directly to what we want to know but it’s a very very good thing to know what these things mean. Ok first we have monopoles and inflation, and we already talked about those. Next comes quarks. I have a picture of those. They are a fundamental particle (they aren’t made of anything). There are different kinds of them, 6 in total (and their antiparticles of course).When you put them together they make all kinds of things. When you put a certain combination of 3 quarks together you get a proton. And a different combo of 3 gives you a neutron and if you mix them up or put just 2 together you get a whole host of exotic particles. Next comes leptons. These are a little less…uniform. There are also six types of these but they are not all as common. The only one we see often is the electron, but there is also the muon and the tauon, and different ‘flavors’ of those. And tomorrow I will continue with the hadrons.
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