Ok…everyone have a good thanksgiving…and for those not in America…have a good week? Good. Now to get back to the physics. I have another graph for you. This one is a bit more technical but I think we are gonna try to tackle it anyway. Ok, so if you look at the graph you will see two solid lines, one labeled matter and the other labeled cosmic radiation. We have spent quite a bit of time talking about cosmic radiation, we’ve just been calling…light or photons. Anyway, the lines measure the density of the stuff in grams per cubic centimeter (How can light be measured in grams?? Well just use Einstein’s E=mc^2 to convert the amount of energy you have into a mass and there you have it.) with respect to time (here both axis are on logarithmic scales). The graph is a very nice compacted version of all the things we’ve been talking about recently especially the order that things happened in and the dominance areas. I’ll probably refer back to this graph later…I’ll just call it the density graph.
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