So, to continue where we left off yesterday what happened with inflation was kind of strange. So at the beginning right before inflation began, let’s say the whole universe is the size of Wal-mart. When our universe begins we have someone in the food section, you are in the men’s wear, someone else in the garden section and someone in hardware. So like I explained yesterday we have this horizon that you can’t see outside of like in the first picture. Inside your view are 2 of the 3 other people. Then inflation starts and the universe start expanding. Space-time carries the people outside of your horizon when Wal-Mart is expanding like in picture 2 (you can't see the difference unless you click on the pictures). Then in picture 3 we see the people come back into view as the horizon expands. If you will recall this was the issue with the horizon and homogeneity problems. Our question before was, how come things that never had contact can have the same properties. Well the answer that arises from inflation is that they were in contact at one point in time, before inflation. Then after inflation the things that were in contact suddenly weren’t, and as the horizon expands those areas come back into view and like magic they have the same properties. Ha ha there’s no magic! It’s physics! But I still have some questions. The horizon is made by light and in inflation the universe has expands beyond the horizons that means the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light, which is totally against the laws of special relativity. But i don’t really know. Perhaps we shall see tomorrow??
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