This time I actually did read about inflation, and it’s very very complicated. I’m beginning to think we are going to need more background in order to understand the theory. In particular I think we need a better understanding of the time line of things. So I looked for one on the internet and you know what, they didn’t have any good ones! So I tried to make my own. I kinda failed, but then my friend, an artist, helped me so now I have a very pretty timeline for you all. It is entirely based on Wikipedia’s interpretation of things. First comes the singularity, the initial moment of the big bang. This phase is extremely hazy and unknown due to its extraordinarily small size. It’s so small we don’t even know just how small it is! We really don’t know anything about it cause it has super ultra gravity and super ultra energies. The collisions inside CERN’s biggest collider don’t even come close to the energies at this point in the universe. Our current physics theories break down and all we are left with is mystery. Next comes the Planck epoch. It last from whenever the singularity ends to about 10^-43 seconds. This phase is also a great mystery. But we are a little closer to solving this one. We think that all of the fundamental forces where unified as one force. We also think that if we could get quantum mechanics and general relativity to go together (a most elusive task) then we would be able to understand the physics of this period. Next we have the grand unification epoch lasting from the end of the Planck epoch to 10^-36 seconds after the big bang. And it appears this entry is getting a tad long and shall have to be continued tomorrow!
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