Let me make a correction. Hubble was not the first one to propose that the universe was expanding; he was the first one to see it. It was a few years until someone suggested the universe was actually expanding. The person who suggested that went on to suggest the big bang theory or as he described it, "the Cosmic Egg exploding at the moment of the creation." The most interesting part is who this person was. His name was Georges Lemaitre, a Belgium, and (get this) a Catholic priest! He was a priest. The man who first suggested the big bang theory was a priest! Is that not the most ironic thing you have ever heard? A priest. I’m still in a bit of shock over this. I mean, I’m sure he wasn’t aware or the time scale/heresy this involved. Was he? I haven’t been to any catholic establishment in quite some time (I’ve been thrown out of mass way too many times to risk it often), so I’m not quite up on doctrine, but I’m fairly sure they are not much for the whole “billions and billions of years” thing. How did this happen? Does anyone know? Cause I’m not seeing it.
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