Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Randall's maze rapup

And now for our second set of applications, Large extra dimensions and the Randall–Sundrum model. Both of these theories attempt to explain the weakness of gravity in comparison with the other forces, but I think I shall summarize them separately. So first let’s look at Large extra dimensions, which is apparently also known as the ADD model. It goes something like this: all the normal laws of the weak force, the strong force and electromagnetism only work in the normal 3 spatial dimensions. But gravity works in more than that I’m not sure how many but more. As for the Randall–Sundrum model, I haven’t the faintest clue what any of this means so I think I shall take the cheap way out and just quote Wikipedia. "In physics, Randall–Sundrum models (also called 5-dimensional warped geometry theory) imagine that the real world is a higher-dimensional Universe described by warped geometry. More concretely, our Universe is a five-dimensional anti de Sitter space and the elementary particles except for the graviton are localized on a (3 + 1)-dimensional brane or branes.” Yeah…I’ve got no clue what that means, but there you have it.

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