Thursday, October 29, 2009

Backtracking 2

Forgive the lack of post yesterday as well, more IRS stuff to be dealt with…I don’t understand all of the paper work I have to fill out…way back when you would just explain your situation to a judge and he would make a decision and that would be that…there was no box checking (there are no boxes for someone over 100 years old). Anyway back to our discussion. Interesting things that happened in the recent past include earth's origins 4.5 billion years ago and the sun forming around 5 billion years ago, but what I really want to focus on is the formation of stars and galaxies about 300 million years after the big bang. You know that whole ‘human are made out of stardust’ thing from the 70’s? Well, let me take a moment to explain that. Stars work by fusion, that is, they take small atoms like hydrogen and cram them together to form larger atoms like helium, and so on and so forth until they make things like carbon and iron and other elements. Then the stars blow up…well not all of them….but a substantial amount do. And when they blow up these elements get spread around the universe…get trapped in big rocks, sucked into other stars, expelled again, etc. then at some point they got trapped in a big rock that started rotating about a normal old star and there ya go: Earth! So yeah…the carbon we’re made out of and all the iron in the building you’re standing in was once created in a star! That’s pretty cool, isn’t it?

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